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Conditions of entry:

1. There are no refunds. You can do a substitution, but only before the event day. Your entry can not be transferred to another event either.
2. First over the line wins!
3. The event will take place regardless of bad weather and will only be cancelled, re-routed or stopped for reasons of safety.
4. All photographic or video material of participants made by the organisers or their assignees during any activity deemed to be part of the event, shall be free for use by the organisers in any matter relating to the event at any time in the present or future.
5. All entrants must sign an indemnity form - legal guardians must sign for minors
6. No PPA easy entries accepted.
7. No private picnics - catering provided.
8. Entries are only confirmed once proof of payment is received. For pre-entries, payment is to be made before pre-entry date closes or it will be deemed as a late entry and late entry fees will apply

9. Participants must be in attendance of prize givings or they will forfeit their prize(s). Also please note in order to qualify for category prizes there must be more than 10 entrants within that specific category.

Right of admission reserved at all Dirtopia events.  The organisers can refuse entry for medical reasons or otherwise at their own discretion.

Rules for Dirtopia Events:

1. Every participant shall run carefully and with due regard to the safety of other runners and other trail users.
2. Every participant shall immediately comply with the instructions of a marshal, official and/or a traffic officer.
3. Every participant shall provide information requested by any marshal immediately.
4. Every participant shall at all times display his/her race number legibly. Runners in front on clothes. Riders on front of bike.
5. Every participant shall identify him/herself and give his/her address on request to a marshal or any other participant requesting such information after a collision/race incident.
6. Every participant shall ride the full course as entered and retire if he/she does not complete the full course or inform the officials at the finish.
7. A participant may not use a personal music system (ipod or other) or a radio communication device, including a cellular phone, whilst taking part in the event.
8. A participant shall not run with another person’s number or timing identification.
9. A participant shall not use foul or offensive language to his/her fellow runners or to any marshal.
10. A participant shall not dispose of any litter along the course except in refuse bins.
11. A participant may not start or attempt to start before his/her designated start.
12. A participant shall endeavour to complete the course with his/her own effort and shall not receive any assistance in this regard.
13. A participant shall provide reasonable assistance to any other participant involved in an accident while participating in the event.
14. Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adults at all times.
15. The winners will be judged as those who cross the finish line first, having completed the entire route, irrespective of time.
16. In case of dispute, the organisers reserve the right not to present any prizes.
17. Participant must attend award ceremonies. Prizes will not be mailed.
18. Further to rule 16, as this is a fun event, the organisers retain the right not to enter into a dispute of a competitive nature.
19. It is the participants responsibility to ensure they carry enough liquid  on route, a windshield jacket and basic emergency equipment and emergency contact number.
20. In the event of a medical emergency, the organizing bodies/authorities will use their discretion and follow procedures deemed necessary for evacuation and /or medical assistance thereof; for the account of the injured party.

Additional Trail Run event rules:

• All participants need to obey the officials & marshals
• Numbers must be visible in the front at all times, especially crossing the finish line.
• Please do not use Ipods / earphones - enjoy the sounds of nature!
• First over the line wins.
• Winners must be present at prizegiving or forfeit their prize.
• Runners must follow correct routes!

Please do not litter! We also urge you to not leave valuables in your vehicle. We can keep car keys for you.


Latest News

Visit our Trail Centre at Muratie Wine Estate 

Please text for opening hours: 


Upcoming events:

19 Jan'25 Resolution Trail Run @ Muratie

26 Jan Buffalo RIDE @ Muratie

14 February Valentine's Sunset Hike

23 February Harvest Trail Run @ Morgenhof

30 March Wine Adventure Trail Run



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