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Dirtopia Launch Weekend


Dirtopia Launch Weekend - 15 & 16 October @Delvera


With dramatic views of the vineyards, Klapmutskop and Greater Cape Town, Dirtopia has a prime spot in the Simonsberg Conservancy. Dirtopia’s Delvera offering has now expanded to include Dirtopia Café and the Trail Lodge, previously known as Simonsberg Café and Oak Leaf Lodge. Dirtopia bicycle workshop that was situated in Welgevonden has also now moved to the new renovated Trail Centre on Delvera. With all this exciting change what better way than to celebrate in true Dirtopia style, on the single tracks of Klapmutskoppie.

Get those diaries out and mark this weekend -  15 & 16 October 2016 is full of exciting activities for everyone! We start off the Saturday with a 3 stage Enduro followed by a Full Moon Hike in the evening. Sunday morning will be the Trail Runners turn with two route and ending the weekend with another spectacular full moon hike. Lots of food, beer and wine will be on offer and coffee of course!

CLICK HERE for more information about the Dirtopia Launch Trail Run

CLICK HERE for more information about the Dirtopia Launch Enduro

CLICK HERE for more information about the Dirtopia Launch Full Moon Hikes


Follow us on Twitter @Dirtopia and join us on Facebook or Instagram (Dirtopia)  

For further information please contact Dirtopia Trail Centre on 021 884 4752 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




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Visit our Trail Centre at Muratie Wine Estate 

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Upcoming events:

23 February Harvest Trail Run @ Morgenhof

12 March Sunset to Full Moon Hike @ Muratie

30 March Wine Adventure Trail Run



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